Saturday, May 8, 2010

sebuah rumah

berdiri di tengah sebuah lahan yang memiliki kebun mirip dengan hutan mini pada halamannya.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sekali lagi, combo double cream de la crop of style and substance.

Nongkrong di lapangan voli yang terletak di tengah2 komplek angkatan laut malem-malem sepulang bekerja dan agak pegel-pegel enaknya minum es teh buah stroberi sambil godek2 pundak.

Umur 10-13 tahun saya agak2 kampong style, maksudnya tinggal di daerah pemukiman yang jarak antara rumahnya masih dempet2, dari ujung ke ujung kalo pagi berangkat sekolah masih tegor2an sambil senyum nawarin pisang goreng, pulang sekolah maen lintah di empang yang banyakan lumpur daripada airnya. jarang pergi jalan-jalan yang bersifat rekreasi, sekalinya jalan2 ketemunya kumpulan wartawan stress dan seniman galau yang lumayan kocak kelakuannya. namun jangan salah menyangka kalau saya jadi stress pada anak. Dengan kekayaan pengalaman seperti ini saya mendapatkan harta karun sangat berharag yang salah satunya adalah berbagai tricks dalam menghadapi berbagai manusia jakarta.

oleh karna dari itu, mendengarkan mas ini bernyanyi saya jadi teringat kembali

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

kelakuan yang sering disalahartikan.

wkw, ayam pedes manis dan jiwa abg yang harus dipertahankan.

waktu jaman umur abg dan belum sibuk2 saya doyan banget nonton film. bukan apa-apa, gara-gara nonton film chungking express, saya jadi agak percaya juga kalo hubungan romansa cewek-cowok yang asik itu gak harus eksplisit badaniah semata. ada unsur innerself yang juga bisa ikut bermain dalam eksplorasinya.

terus di lain kesempatan saya nonton film fallen angels, saat nonton film ini saya merasa terwakili, bahwa karakter2 nyentrik (yang sering saya temui sewaktu saya kecil dan diajak jalan2 sama bapake) adalah hasil kolaborasi dari situasi dan pilihan hidup. bahwa warna-warni kehidupan masa kecil saya (yang kemudian banyak mempengaruhi kehidupan masa sekarang) ternyata tidaklah aneh - dalam artian negatif yang patut dikesali. film ini juga yang mengajari saya dengan contoh yang lumayan menarik, bahwa kehidupan (nyentrik ataupun normal menurut standar lingkungan sekitar) adalah juga memiliki sisi seru: yang tidak akan pernah kehabisan bahan hingga menyebabkan kebosanan kalau saya berusaha mengkuliknya.

mungkin saya baru bangun, makan ayam pedes sambil gak sengaja nonton cuplikan film2 yang disutradarai wong kar wai. mungkin juga saya kebanyakan baca hal-hal secara acak poskota dan wikipedia, kanye west dan asep irama dari radio tetangga, namun yang saya tau masa lalu tidak akan pernah salah kalo sekarang saya mensyukurinya.

intinya kali ini adalah wong kar wai, william chang, chris doyle dan teman2 lainnya yang bikin musik  oke2lah.

I Am Proud To Be A Boring, Nice, Normal Person.

"My grandfather is the only him that has and will ever exist. His humility is more impressive to me than any philosopher's ponderings."
Posted by hiddenkitty

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Semua mahluk punya fungsinya masing-masing di dunia, ini yang saya percaya. Terkait dengan fungsinya, lebah adalah mahluk yang sangat sepesial untuk saya.

Saat bersekolah di kelas lima SD, saya pertama kali berhadapan langsung dengan lebah adalah dalam rangka upaya (yang diusulkan bapak saya) untuk pengobatan alternatif paru-paru saya yang agak lemah. Saat itu saya merasakan geli dan ngeri bercampur, namun karena saat itu saya agak pasrah ya udah deh ayo aja, maka saya mau nggak mau menghadapinya.

Upaya pengobatan alternatifnya adalah dengan metode sengatan lebah pada titik-titik darah persis seperti metode pengobatan akupunktur, bedanya untuk yang ini bukan jarum logam tipis yang menusuk tubuh saya, melainkan sengatan lebah dengan membiarkan sang lebah menyuntikkan sari hidupnya ke dalam aliran darah saya, setelah itu sang lebah mati, dan saya diharapkan lebih sehat.

sebentar.. nanti saya lanjutkan lagi ya..

Thursday, December 24, 2009

lebih pinter belum tentu lebih bener.

terasa dan kelihatan pinter belum tentu pinter beneran.

Akhir2 ini sering pusing gara-gara kebanyakan ngomong.
Karena percaya ucapan adalah doa, saya sering mengucapkan hal-hal (yang menurut saya) baik dan asik. Bermula dari mengucapkan dalam pikiran, ketika diajak ngobrol

Monday, December 21, 2009

masa tidak bekerja.

untuk beberapa orang adalah liburan, untuk beberapa orang adalah kebosanan, untuk beberapa orang adalah besok tidak makan, untuk beberapa orang adalah quality time.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kematian hati,

"Tersanjungkah engkau dengan licin lidahmu bertutur, sementara dalam hatimu tak ada apa-apa. Kau kunyah mitos pemberian masyarakat dan sangka baik orang-orang berhati jernih, bahwa engkau adalah seorang saleh, alim, abid lagi mujahid, lalu puas meyakini itu tanpa rasa ngeri."
by this nice young Pradiptajati Kusuma.

Namanya rindu, anak ibu bapak saya nomer 7

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why we're here 101, part #1

pak Giri Suryatmana berkata lewat anak perempuannya, "kita hidup di bumi ini sebagai khalifah yang diberi amanah untuk meneruskan bumi dan agama kepada anak cucu yang sudah kita didik sebaik-baiknya agar nilai-nilai baik terus berkelanjutan.. itulah tujuan hidup ini pada hakekatnya."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fictions are good, sometimes.

before saturday afternoon:

let you loved ones travel.
he was crying.
if you are swimming in the ocean, you'l never realize how truly vast it is.
The Weasley Family.
"what a woman.."

The Damage of Sexual Promiscuity

What about the girl...

The answer, of course, is that a woman also receives a great deal of damage from being sexually promiscuous, and her damage is both psychological and physiological. First the psychological damage:

When a woman experiences sex without commitment, she soon learns (falsely) that sex means little to nothing. Why? Because nothing happens as a result: no meaningful relationship ensues - he may never even call her or talk to her again. She has inaccurately learned that sex and commitment are two completely separate issues, which they are not. That is why so many married woman view sex as an unimportant side issue in marriage, when it is, in fact, a key and central issue to a successful marriage. God's original plan was to use sex as the path to commitment. But because of promiscuity, she no longer views sex as a path to her husband's commitment. On the contrary, she begins to demand that commitment BEFORE sex is granted, something he is not wired to do. The result is a relationship that struggles to succeed.

As for the physiological damage, science shows us that when a woman has sex with a man, a chemical called oxytocin is released into her system. Oxytocin is a neuro-peptide most commonly associated with pregnancy and breast-feeding. It seems to act as a human superglue and helps a woman bond with her infant. This chemical also helps a woman bond with her lover during sex. New scientific studies, however, suggest that if a woman has multiple sexual partners, this will lower her levels of oxytocin which in turn can inhibit her ability to bond to her husband. According to an article by Drs. John Diggs and Eric Keroack, "People who have misused their sexual faculty and become bonded to multiple persons will diminish the power of oxytocin to maintain a permanent bond with an individual." [You can read the entire article at]

It is like taking a piece of strong packing tape and applying it to a box. Leave it alone, and it will hold that box together for decades and decades. Take it off and re-apply it and, well... it just doesn't hold as well anymore. Keep taking it off and applying it a taking it off and applying it and... I think you get the idea. This is what can happen to a woman who has multiple sex partners.

The Boys are the Biggest Losers

Even though a woman also can suffer negative consequences from promiscuity, I believe that men can have the most to lose. Why? Because a sexually promiscuous woman, despite lowered levels of oxytocin and a less than positive attitude toward sex in general, still is internally wired to WANT to connect with her husband. Indeed, that desire is so strong, it causes her to fight through many of the negative side affects of her previous sexual experiences. A man, however, has no such natural "wiring". If he fails to properly "imprint" and bond to the wife of his youth, he may spend the rest of his life in a disconnected state from her - indeed, from any woman. What he may do is attempt to re-connect with what he had imprinted on so many years earlier and foolishly turn to porn, affairs, lust, etc... All which can have severe negative consequences to his marriage.

Overcoming Sexual Damage

The degree of sexual damage people receive largely depends on the degree to which people become sexually involved before marriage, particularly if there are numerous sexual partners. It also can vary from person to person. For some who have had just a few consensual experiences, they may seem to carry little residual effects; while for others, even just one consensual experience can cause them to struggle later in their marriage. You can imagine the result if a person's sexual experiences were not consensual as in rape or incest - it is likely that much more damage will have occurred.

The question now is: can a person who has been damaged have a meaningful sex life? Thankfully, the answer is yes, any person can have a wonderful sex life, but it will more likely come easier to those who waited until marriage. Those who did not may find they will have to work at it a lot harder.

Here's an analogy I like to use: there are people who can seemingly eat anything they want and never gain any weight. Then there are those who allow themselves the slightest indulgence and they will gain a couple of pounds! What is the difference? One has a very different metabolism from the other.

So it is true with those who did not wait till marriage for sex - their "sexual metabolism" may be very different from those who did wait. Evidence shows that couples who wait until marriage report more satisfying sex lives than those who do not wait. And since sex is so important to the bonding of the couple, this is why couples who marry as virgins have a much lower divorce rate than those who did not wait. A couple whose only sexual experience has been with each other is much more likely to experience a natural "bonding" whereas those who have been promiscuous may find they will need to be much more intentional and deliberate in their approach to sex in order to bond.

*snatched from here.